Chakra Balancing and Clearing

What are Chakras?

The word ‘chakra’ means ‘disc’ or ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. These discs or wheels are energy centers for your physical, emotional, and mental wellness. When explained this way, it’s easier to understand why a blocked or unbalanced chakra would then lead to negative effects in the body.Our chakras are forces within the body that work together as an energy system. They must function and interact optimally for one to feel centered. Allow me, as a certified energy healer, to assist you in healing and balancing the energies in your seven chakras for shifting into a deeper sense of well-being and inner peace.

Crystal healing is one of the best ways to balance the chakras. These vital energy centres are thought to affect everything from your mood to relationships, so keeping them unblocked and balanced is important.  I also use essential oils to heal and balance the chakras.  It is possible to clear blockages from the chakra point and harness the vibrational frequencies of the specific oils by drawing out any disharmonious energy and'or restoring vitality.

Why It’s Important to Balance the Chakras

The seven chakras are located from the base of the spine to the head. They correspond to major organs and nerves.  Each chakra can function effectively when energy flows freely between them. But if even one chakra is out of balance, it affects the flow through all of the chakras.

This interrupted energy flow can have a variety of negative effects. Common symptoms include anxiety, tiredness, and low self-esteem. An imbalanced chakra can also affect your creativity and happiness.  Crystal healing is a fast and convenient way to fix these issues. Crystals can unblock each of the seven chakras and ensure that proper balance is restored.  Essential oils can also be utilized for balance and restoration.

What happens during a balancing session?

The process is a meditative experience that will begin with the special arrangement of crystals in order to reduce stress and promote relaxation.  After the clearing, the practitioner will activate and balance your chakras with crystals and energy healing techniques. I will place crystals on and around your body during your session to amplify, attract, or repel different kinds of energy. The session will also include both the topical use of and the inhalation of aromatherapy to balance and restore.  

Benefits of Chakra Balancing

  • Open up and harmonize the body's chakras.

  • Address an unbalanced root chakra.

  • Enhance the flow of energy through the chakras.

  • Restore balance and harmony to the body.

  • Positively impact our physical and spiritual health.

The chakras are the network through which the mind interacts with the physical body.

-Anodea Judith

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